Recently Hindustan Times—a leading newspaper of Mumbai—has announced a very unique campaign… ‘NO TV Day’ on 29th January this year.
We support its spirit with head and heart. TV has intruded in our lives robbing the simple and precious family moments out of it. The family members gather in one room and still are not looking at and interacting with each other. We all rather look at the idiot box most of the time. It is not a case against the powerful medium that TV is, it is the content that it pours out at us without discretion at the will of greedy brands and sponsors.
TV is becoming more and more harmful for your impressionable children. Generally we just ignore this potential hazard because we are unable to find the alternatives. But is it a valid excuse?
This is high time now that you be alert and watchful of what your child watches on TV and what you watch while your child is around. A child picks up the language and actions in fragments from the TV programmes. It could be a mean and vulgar reality show, obscene comedy show or a violent cartoon show—which are, unfortunately, in abundance on TV in India.
Research shows that a preschooler—2 to 5 year old—is most vulnerable to micro-psychological disorders which may not show adverse effects right now but as the child grows these become ‘knots’ in the psyche of the child. Then the child . may lack in perception, concentration and . discretion. Overall social development is . definitely twisted with this. Whatever child gathers from TV is processed and interpreted very differently in child’s growing mind. So, be watchful. You might have to sacrifice your favourite programme or might have to change the timing to see the repeat.
And finally, DO NOT use TV as a reward (if you are good, I will let you watch cartoon show) OR a punishment (if you won’t obey, you won’t get any TV today).
This is so true! TV menace is tearing apart the social fabric. For children nothing worse than TV could happen. Good you raised your voice.