Sunday, December 11, 2011

Control That Bragging!

Bragging comes so naturally to children!

Children get into bragging about their possessions and boasting about their ‘achievements’ and experiences, too. They may brag about ‘so many Barbie dolls’ or ‘ten remote controlled cars’ to make an impression on their peers. It could be a part of their innocence, as most child psychologists opine. However they also warn that parents and care-givers should watch that this habit doesn’t grow beyond simply sharing joyous experiences and imaginations.

As long as it is not aimed at hurting or belittling others, it may be considered fine. But parents should get worried if their child is becoming a compulsive bragger or ‘victim’ to other peer-bragger. If your child is mentioning about somebody’s bragging, you should talk to your child to distress him/her and to ignore that friend’s bragging. Reveal that it is not a serious truth. If your child is the bragger then pay attention and train him/her to praise others too. Appreciation begets appreciation.

It is just a part of inculcating positive social behaviour in children. And while doing so even you may learn a thing or two. Because even some of the grown up are no less braggers!

Thursday, September 15, 2011

Are You Buying Expensive Toys?

Now the festive season is on and shopping lists are also becoming longer. Children have an unending demand for newer toys and loving parents exhaust themselves buying expensive toys. But have you noticed that more often these toys end up gathering dust somewhere in the house. Sometimes a toy doesn’t last more than a week. The reason is that the child loses interest if there is nothing to nurture his/her imagination. All expensive battery-operated toys—like a car that runs with flashy lights and annoying siren or a robot that moves and fires—may fancy the child for a while but they don’t enhance any creative skills, hence they don’t engage the child beyond the initial delight. Parents often complain that such an expensive toy is wasted. It should be noted that price of the toy doesn’t put value in the toy. A child plays with the stimulating and involving toy, no matter how expensive or cheap it is. And no matter if it is not a ‘toy’ but a simple kitchen vessel.

 Actually it is a better idea to make ‘toys’ at home! Parents should involve children in ‘creating’ their own toys with household items. This will surely enhance child’s imagination and also engage the child. Even atta can be used as clay which becomes real hard when dried up. Empty boxes and packaging cardboard can be used in many ways.

 This also has a positive side-effect. When a child makes his/her own toy, it also creates an affectionate attachment with that toy. But remember, parents must supervise and guide the child during this.

It will be truly learning with fun!

Sunday, August 21, 2011

When children make-up stories…

Nearly all children make up stories at some point or the other. Often for kids in this age-group, it is not ‘lying’, it is not being ‘dishonest’, it is just ‘pretending’—which is very much a part of their growing up and enhancing creative imagination. Many a time a child lies to cover up something which is not in his/her favour. Sometimes it could be a result of some anxiety when a child wants to avert consequences.  At other times, a child may lie only to impress or get attention.
It is important that you don’t react by getting angry with the child because it may confuse the small kid. Do not label him/her as ‘liar’. Overreacting may result in bringing guilt to the child’s mind and may hurt his/her self esteem. You need to explain the futility of the lie. You may take help of the stories like “The Boy Who Cried Wolf”. And you should re-enforce the importance of honesty and truth. In other words, this is the time of ‘character building exercise’ instead of rebuking your child.

At the same time, it is also important to understand that you should not be jumping to conclusions and make allegations on the basis of these stories. You should use discretion.

Finally, set example by being truthful yourself.

Monday, July 25, 2011

KITE School | Balloons Bloom | Rainy Season Demo

22nd July was quite full of energy at KITE School.

It was a wonderful time with Playgroup kids on Balloons' Day!

Children were pleasantly surprised as they saw balloons taking different shapes and characters.

Many activities and games were played and finally each one got a balloon to take home. Some even got two!

EVE Session

On the same day, Junior and Senior KG Children had first EVE session of this academic year. They came to know many facts and aspects about the rainy season. Senior KG children also had discussion and explanation about 'How does it rain?'. Teachers supported the session with a demo.

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Every Journey Begins With Small Steps

Every year I am enthralled to see the little ones curiously starting the preschool years.  Children are natural learners but they have to cope up with certain anxieties also, such as ‘separation from home’, ‘interacting with peers’ and ‘experiencing new communication in a novel environment’. This happens with the new entrants. KITE School has devised the methodology that helps kids to deal with these hindrances. This year the transition has been particularly smooth. This is reassuring as well as inspiring! Continuing students are already initiated into the ‘learning system’ anyway. Hence they have the advantage of being the familiar group.
You’ll find many new ideas being implemented this year. At KITE School we continuously strive to engage new and better ways to accelerate the learning process. Extra-curricular activities will soon begin. We have even better inventory of audio-visual material to make the learning more effective and enjoyable. We are continuing with Field trips for the ‘hands on’ experience and the Yoga time for Jr. & Sr. KG which will have carefully chosen exercises especially for the small ones.
Your little ones are taking baby steps towards a meaningful journey of life. But small steps do not belittle the journey. Get involved. Enjoy this wonderful time. This is as important for your child as is memorable for you!

Thursday, June 9, 2011

Welcome to the new academic session 2011-12

KITE School set out 2011-12 session today with 'Orientation Presentation' for the Playgroup parents. We shared school's viewpoints and methodology with the parents. They were given few tips to make the start smoother. Few parents were accompanied with their kids also. They immediately started towards the sand area to play and few looked around for soft toys and coloured balls in the room. It was noticeable that the kids were quite comfortable with the staff and school-surrounding.
Now the session will start on 13th June for Playgroup with only for 30 minutes for first three days. After that parents will be told about the extended time on day to day basis.
Looking forward to meeting Nursery parents in the 'Orientation Presentation' tomorrow!

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

KITE School | Mira Road | Project Pictures........ Congratulations!!!

We have already said that parents have put in a lot of time and energy in preparing the Vacation Project for their child. We really appreciate this involvement. This is going to help in a long way in your relationship with your child.
We are putting up pictures of the winners... and there are many winners!
Please bear with us if it takes a while to load all the images. But at the end you'll enjoy it.

Please note that these pictures are displayed randomly and there is no particular order:

Saturday, January 29, 2011

Congratulations to 'Vacation Projects Winners'

This year parents have shown good interest and submitted very admirable 'projects'.
It was really difficult to judge them for prizes. After much deliberation following winners emerged:
(We shall be putting the pictures of the winning projects soon, so keep visiting!)

First Prize - Jaitya Anchan / Bhor Rajneesh Bhatia
Second Prize - Ayush Chavan / Simranjeet Kaur / Sharman Sirjohn
Third Prize - Hiyaa Shah / Aarha Chavan / Het Trivedi
Special Prize - Anjana C. Suresh


First Prize - Prishika V. Sanghavi / Nandini Mukherjee
Second Prize - Khushi Mehra / Keshav Tripathi
Third Prize - Mohnish Shajit / Anvesha Singh
Special Prize - Sriansh Baluni

Jr. KG.

First Prize - Arijeet Roy / Laksh Loya
Second Prize - Darsh Jain / Naman Pandey
Third Prize - Trisha Tiwari / Nimisha Nair / Chetnadevi Keshari
Special Prize - Mohd. Rayyan Khan

Sr. KG.

First Prize - Dhvanit Doshi
Second Prize - Linze Mazgoankar / Veda Gupta / Aarya Dongre
Third Prize - Riddhi Singh Deo / Revati Awasthi / Mayank Toshniwal

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

KITE School | Mira Road | ........ Sports Competitions concluded.

Sports are crucial to a child’s physical, psychological and intellectual development Outdoor sports activity stimulates the brain. This was so exultantly evident in KITE School’s sports competitions. The emphasis was on the joy of participation and spirit of competitiveness. Winning and losing are clinical details.

Here are few glimpses of Senior KG sports event:

And competitions do give us the winners.
Sr. KG. Sports Winners are....

‘Pick the Sea Creature’ Race

First Prize - Dayshaun Nalli
Second Prize - Aarya Dongre
Third Prize - Veda Gupta

‘Bring the Puppet’ Race

First Prize - Radhesh Joshi
Second Prize - Purnima Singh
Third Prize - Linze Mazgoankar

‘Pick the Ball & Kite’ Race

First Prize - Mayank Toshniwal
Second Prize - Suhayla Khan
Third Prize - Krishna Sahu and Binal Rawat


Sunday, January 23, 2011

And ...more Sports Competitions at KITE School | Mira Road |

Now let us see glimpses of

The Winners are....

‘Run and pick up your reptile’ Race

First Prize - Rayyan Khan
Second Prize - Dwayne Thommanan
Third Prize - Pari Vadsak

‘Find out the habitat of the animal’ Race

First Prize - Prince Mishra
Second Prize - Naman Pandey
Third Prize - Yash Panchmatia

‘Community Helper Picks The Right Tool’ Race

First Prize - Ritesh Kanchhi
Second Prize - Rahul Rathod
Third Prize - Tanush Gupta

Hip Hip Hurray!

KITE School | Mira Road | ...more Sports Competitions

Sports Competitions continued last week for Nursery and Junior KG students. Kids were full of vigour and fervour. See the pictures:


and The Winners are....

‘Jump Like a frog’ Race

First Prize - Shreya Shyam Verma
Second Prize - Akshat Deepak Dube
Third Prize - Suhani Susanta Rana

‘Get Your Wild Animal’ Race

First Prize - Mohammad Hammad
Second Prize - Khushi Mehra
Third Prize - Keshav Tripathy

‘Pick Ball & Napkin’ Race

First Prize - Jay R Survase
Second Prize - Prishika Sanghvi
Third Prize - Mohammad Hammad
